Congratulations on the anniversary! I've been thinking about record stores a lot as I resume work on my music-related graphic novel, and now I find this very cool newsletter. Yay! Thanks for doing this—where else would such a thing exist these days??
Hey Amaya! I can't remember how I came across the newsletter but really loving it. re: cadence, I'd say to switch to whatever feels sustainable. I'd rather see a newsletter (or even the few remaining blogs) publish less but keep it going, than try to publish too much, burn out, and end it. (A third option: doing things in bursts or seasons like a podcast season, where it's contained around a subject or timeline, giving you a natural break). Just my two cents, take it or leave it :)
Congratulations, keep it coming :)
Congrats on the anniversary! And I feel you on the profiles - so much WORK. Keep going...
I look forward to every issue of Record Store. Thank you for your work!
thank you :')
Congratulations on the anniversary! I've been thinking about record stores a lot as I resume work on my music-related graphic novel, and now I find this very cool newsletter. Yay! Thanks for doing this—where else would such a thing exist these days??
Hey Amaya! I can't remember how I came across the newsletter but really loving it. re: cadence, I'd say to switch to whatever feels sustainable. I'd rather see a newsletter (or even the few remaining blogs) publish less but keep it going, than try to publish too much, burn out, and end it. (A third option: doing things in bursts or seasons like a podcast season, where it's contained around a subject or timeline, giving you a natural break). Just my two cents, take it or leave it :)
thanks for the feedback brandy! appreciated.
Happy anniversary! I'm always happy to record Store in my inbox. Here's to many more!